Handbag shopping is not easy in Dubai because so many cheap and luxury brands are available in the Emirate. Here we would like to represent you with some leading stores where you can buy designer handbags at one place as this saves you lots of time and in the same time gifts you with the chance to see the highest variety of different bag collections without having to visit 40 stores. Shopping for a women's bag is a huge fun and as handbags are currently the most popular and priciest accessories this makes them all the more desired.
The best stores are those dealing with multiple brands in one place. There are so many popular bag brands, some of them are Fendi, Prada, Guess, Versace, Chanel, Michael Kors, Gucci, Coach... There are popular stores where you can take a look at different handbag selections in the same place, with this saving yourself lots of time and sometimes money too when it comes to different discounts.
Bloomingdales has some of the best collections of designer handbags.
Here you can also get familiar with the latest US trends and seasons' most popular forms and colours. Their huge variety includes handbags from Chloe, MCM, Diane Von Furstenberg, Burberry, Juicy Couture, Marc Jacobs, Furla, Ferragamo and about 50 more brands. Bloomingdales is located in the huge Dubai Mall.
Another place is Harvey Nichols, where you can get some sort of diverse variety of great quality handbags. While some brands are the same as in the Bloomingdales other brands are definite novelties. Some of those brands which are sold at Harvey Nichols: Burberry, Armani, Givenchy, DKNY, Proenza Schouler, Lanvin, Missoni, Stella McCartney and about 40 top brands more. Its definitely worth to visit to Harvey Nichols in the Mall of the Emirates.
Debenhams is a leading department store from the UK
Debenhams is a leading department store from the UK, their variety of handbags on offer slightly differs from its US counterparts. This does make its bags all the more unique: Radley, Fiorelli, Nica, J by Jasper Conran, Red Herring, Blue Cross and so on. Above all, Debenhams has its very own collection which it manufactures in its UK factory. The collections look beautiful and greatly tailored and they are more than worth buying too. Visit one of their stores in Dubai for the latest handbag collection!
Saks 5th Avenue is perhaps the most expensive of all the department stores. Saks sells such elite brands of bags as Bottega Veneta (the most expensive in the world), Jimmy Choo, Burberry, Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Phillip Lim, Alexander Wang, Miu-Miu, Prada, Valentino plus about 30 more premium handbag brands of all kinds are all sold here in great variety. Find Saks Fifth Avenue in the
BurJuman shopping centre.
Besides all these department stores with the biggest variety, you will face hundreds of stores of different fashion brands where you can look at the best collections of bags too. Dubai is by far the best place for shopping, especially when it comes to luxury handbags so don't miss the chance, especially when its discount period.